Monica synger i et skolekor i år, og de sang i
indkøbscenteret Vallco til jul. Der var en voldsom trængsel af
forældre, og det var svært at få ordentlige billeder mens koret sang.
Bagefter tog vi et par billeder af Monica og Rebecca og en af Monicas
klassekammerater, Christine. Hun er i mellemtiden flyttet fra skolen og
nordpå. |
Monica is part of a school choir this year. The choir gave a
Christmas concert at Vallco, a local shopping mall. There was a big
crowd of parents that wouldn't move much, so it was hard to get good
pictures while the choir sang. Afterwards we took some pictures of
Monica and Rebecca and one of Monica's classmates, Christine, who has
since moved away to North of San
Francisco. |